
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Vianney Day Celebrations & Monthly Recollection for Priests

Date:08 – August – 2013

Venue:St. Mary’s Minor Seminary, Bararu

Programme Schedule

8.30 am                       : First Talk

9.00 am – 10.00 am     : Holy Hour

10.00 am                     : Tea Break

10.30 am                     : Second Talk

11.15 am                     : Solemn Divine Liturgy

12.30 pm                     : Lunch

02.00 pm                     : Interaction between Priests & Minor Seminarians

03.00 pm                     : Cricket Match

04.30 pm                     : Tea

NB:There will be a meeting of different Committees for the Divine Mercy Statue blessing & Consecration of Cathedral at Pastoral Centre, Sagar on 8thAugust 2013 at 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm 

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