
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Festal Greetings of St. John Mary Vianney’s Feast Day (August 4)

Vianney Day Greetings to one and all. Let St. Vianney's life enkindles the desire for God in us and strengthen us in our commitment to His ministry.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Vianney Day Celebrations & Monthly Recollection for Priests

Date:08 – August – 2013

Venue:St. Mary’s Minor Seminary, Bararu

Programme Schedule

8.30 am                       : First Talk

9.00 am – 10.00 am     : Holy Hour

10.00 am                     : Tea Break

10.30 am                     : Second Talk

11.15 am                     : Solemn Divine Liturgy

12.30 pm                     : Lunch

02.00 pm                     : Interaction between Priests & Minor Seminarians

03.00 pm                     : Cricket Match

04.30 pm                     : Tea

NB:There will be a meeting of different Committees for the Divine Mercy Statue blessing & Consecration of Cathedral at Pastoral Centre, Sagar on 8thAugust 2013 at 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm